Friday 26 October 2012

And so the story begins...

T'was the night before the annual hooker Hallowe'en night out..... (the hookers are myself and my closest and craziest friend folk... who also happen to crochet) .... and all in the For Hooks Sake household was even more hectic than usual. I'm not going to say "normal" because in this hookers universe, there's no such thing as normal... and it is in fact frowned upon ;p

Amongst many an order for crocheted goodies of varying descriptions, a two year old human tornado, an xbox obsessed, sci-fi geek of a OH, two slightly mental cats and one stupid, overgrown dog, I have a costume to finish!.... Im not going to say what/who im dressing as this year... you'll have to watch this space for photographic evidence..... i however, NEVER want to see another question mark after tomorrow night as long as i live!

I've just realised, ive not actually introduced myself... i just started blogging at you.....
Sitting comfortably?.... no?... nevermind... ill begin anyway......

Im Rachel.... (Or Rae, Rach, Mummy, or Oi... dending on who you are and what mood you happen to be in). Im a stay at home mum to my 2 year old son, Riley, and OH (well better half) to Mike.
When i was pregnant i felt the urge to create something for my baby.... so decided to knit (eugh... dirty word), a small pram blanket for the little one. This turned out smaller than intended as patience eluded me in my whale like state. So i made a rather long red and black scarf for my sister, while watching Kirstie Allsop and bouncing on a yoga ball! Quite the sight.. i assure you!... After that, the knitting needles were put down and left to the dust bunnies care. 
Once id had my son, and after many a conversation with a close, crazy friend of mine... who shall remain nameless Itchy Crochet i decided to give crochet a go. With the use of the crazy friends directions and the t'interweb, i taught myself to crochet. The rest as they say, is hooker history.

My For Hooks Sake fb page has been up and running for about 1 1/2 years now and is going quite nicely... im getting some lovely orders in (which i LOVE seeing photos of with the new owners... hint hint), and it generally keeps me out of mischief!

SO thats, that.... for now..... im off to feed the small person, finish my costume, and get my bag ready for tomorrow... not only do i get a night out drinking and dancing in costume... i also get a full night off... hooker sleepover is immanent! Woooooo!!!!!       



  1. Hello, I'll certainly be reading ;) best of luck with your new blog x

    1. Aww thank you :) Im off to nosey at your blog now ;p
